Wednesday 31 December 2014

Looking Back and Looking Forward

Hello everyone,

So it is the end of 2014. Congratulations we made it; another year older and maybe another year wiser. This year has been a very up and down year for me and I thought I would answer 10 questions about the year just gone and 10 questions on the year ahead...

1. If you had to describe your 2014 in 3 words what would they be?
A Rollercoaster Ride - I have had many ups and downs this year, all of which I will never forget for the rest of my life and I think that even during all the crap, they have shaped me to be a better person all in all.
2. Which new skills have you learnt?
2014 was the year that Beth learnt to crochet! I have made a variety of weird little things from flowers to phone cases and even a baby blanket for my teacher who is leaving to have a baby.
3. Which purchase turned out to be your best decision ever?
Oooh this is a tough one. I bought a variety of things this year, some which I needed and others that I probably could have lived without. Two things stand out for me though: 1. My set of drawers where all my makeup and stuff is stashed otherwise I dread to think the amount of mess it would cause in my room. 2. My Macbook Pro. I just love this, I am so thankful to have it and after the incident with a cup of tea just before Christmas, I have learnt to be very careful with it.
4. What was the most important lesson you learnt in 2014?
To let your head and heart make decisions. You shouldn't choose one or the other. Yes the decisions may be opposites, but eventually one will listen to the other and a compromise will occur.
5. Which of your personal qualities turned out to be the most helpful this year?
Hmm this is a tricky one. I think there have been flaws in all my personal qualities. I think my people skills have been my best though. I will talk to anyone and I want to make people feel welcome and comfortable in any situation.
6. Did any parts of yourself or your life do a complete 180 this year?
Oh goodness yes. Some of you will know what I am referring to mainly but friendships, other relationships, school etc.
7. What was the best gift you received this year?
I received some really lovely things this year. Gifts for Birthday included little items like tshirts I wanted and other makeup items and stuff. For Christmas I got some lovely makeup items and stuff. But my favourite present was probably a pair of earrings which I love so much and wish I would wear them more than I do but they are the most perfect gift I think I have ever received.
8. If you had to go back and tell yourself one thing what would it be?
Don't leave the girls. I went through a period of distancing myself from three of my bestest friends unconsciously and it was one of the worst things I could have done. But if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have got through it. They really are fab so Hannah, Izzy and Lauren, I love you all to pieces and thank you for welcoming me back without hesitation.
9. What do you need to remember for 2015?
To be me! I'm not changing myself or my views for anyone. I am me and I will continue to be me. I have changed as a person before and it wasn't brilliant for me. I will also remember to soften my heart and not harden it and push people away again like I did multiple times each year. Oh and to revise earlier for exams!
10. Did you achieve your New Year Resolutions?
I have had the same one every year and for the first time I can say that yes I did.

1. What is your main goal for this year?
I know it sounds really boring but I just need to focus on me and school so I can pass my A Levels and decide what I want to go on and do whether that be going to uni or doing a gap year. I can't be having any distractions this year.
2. Who do you want to spend more time with in 2015?
I know this sounds weird but I would love to spend more time with my brother. I look at people in my family and who I am friends with and some sibling relationships are really strong and some are not. I want mine and my brother's to be strong forever so this is the year which we begin to strengthen it I hope.
3. What new skill do you want to learn?
I would really love how to cook more delicious and challenging meals. Prepping for uni is something I need to work on and I don't think smiley faces and chicken nuggets are something I want to live off 7 days a week at uni.
4. What habits do you want to change this year?
I bite my nails. The look of them doesn't bother me that much but at the same time I would like them to grow and look nicer with nail varnish on and without. I think stress and anxiety is the main factor for me biting them but I am hoping to overcome this.
5. How do you want to remember 2015 when you look back on it in 10 years time?
I want 2015 to be the year where Beth really discovered herself. I tend to put everyone else's problems and happiness before my own and sometimes I think that I should be a little more selfish and focus on me. I need to make sure that this is the year where Beth smiles and doesn't stress about the little things.
6. Which personal quality do you want to develop?
I want to develop more self-confidence. I get afraid of doing some things because of what people might think but this is the year where I put myself and my plans first. If someone has a problem with what I do, then thats their problem, not mine!
7. How are you going to become more organised this year?
I need to make sure that stuff for exams is more organised so I revise earlier, only revise what is necessary, minimise distractions etc. I want my room to be more organised and tidy too because I feel that it will reflect on my (hopefully) newly organised life for 2015.
8. What risks are you going to take this year?
I just want to have this year where the risks I take will impact me. I really want to have a gap year but this risk could affect my relationship with my family so I have to really think about whether it is best. The term 'risktaker' sounds really cringey and cliche but I want to take risks; I don't know what they are yet but bring them on!
9. What is one think that you need to take more control over in 2015?
This is easy - my emotions. I am like a tap. Weddings, babies and little things like that make me weep but then people being rude to me or my friends or others make me cry too. I have had a year where I don't think I have ever cried so much and so I am hoping that this doesn't continue in 2015. I think it's time to turn off the waterworks and only turn them on when necessary.
10. What are your New Year Resolutions?
Possibly the same as last years but I don't know if I want to have the same one again this year. Probably just to be more organised and to do well at school. And to be me!

So thats my reflections and hopes. I am happy with this final post of 2014 but I am really excited about what is coming up this year on my blog. I had mixed emotions about writing this and did have a few tears but it's just been nice to write down everything I want you to know about my year.

Have a great night tonight everyone! Stay safe and don't get too hungover.

So until 2015 lovelies xx

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